If you would like to put a picture onto the material by laser scanning, you should use 2D laser engrave process. Its easy to use and produces nice dark engravings in a. The tapered bottom of the 'Grade Engrave' letter acts as an added support structure. The TTS-55 by Two Tree’s is a no-frills 5 watt diode laser cutter / engraver that’s a good starting point for budget minded buyers. When you are engraving text into a stamp making material, you might notice that the dot of a 'i' easily to breaks off. The repair proportion can be adjusted as needed. Repair Select this option and the engraved letters will be clearer by repairing the slope result between the lines of the small gap. Air-On Turn the air on for laser engraving, if this option is selected. But if you need a high process precision, do not check this option. The efficiency is higher than one way engrave. Bi-Direction Turn the laser on in both a positive and negative X-axis direction with this option is checked.
Power Level 2: The minimum laser power unit percentage that determines the depth of the slope. Power Level 1: The maximum laser power in unit percentage for the deepest engraving depth. Double click the colour bar on the layer with 3D Engrave option and a dialog box appears as below: Speed Laser scan speed of the X-axis in engraving. The TTS-55 by Two Tree’s is a no-frills 5 watt diode laser cutter / engraver that’s a good starting point for budget minded buyers.